avoiding a midterm…

Well, today’s the last day of my Spring Break (ahhhhh… ten days of heaven), so of course I’m in our office at home writing the midterm exam that’s due tomorrow. I’ve actually been impressively focused for the last couple of hours, writing almost the entirety of my first draft, which I’ll print out presently and spend the rest of the 24 or hours (and counting) until it’s due editing and refining. That’s how I write (academically, anyway) best … do a brain dump on paper without paying much attention to references, quotes or page numbers, then filling in the gaps later.

So anyway, on this bright and sunny Sunday, I’m feeling okay about the fact that the long hard push to finals is starting up again tomorrow. I should have gotten a whole lot more done over the course of the last week, but of course I didn’t get much done at all — nothing that’s really important, anyway, just a bunch of life errands and non-essential reading (though, I should stress, there was NO pleasure reading in there, darnit).

The water temperature in the pool has been steadily rising the last week, peaking today somewhere around 74 degrees — still a bit chilly for swimming, but warm enough to give us hope. Unfortunately, the weather’s going to cool down this week, so the water temp will probably plummet back into the 60s. Daniel and I are both SO ANXIOUS to jump in the pool for the first time. Soon, I hope!

This week we managed to spend a large chunk of my tax refund through Priceline’s excellent bidding system. We got our rental car for Hawaii, hotel and rental car for San Diego (we’re spending the three days after the wedding there), and hotel for Niosa in San Antonio at the end of April. It will be a very busy month in there between April 27-May 14, but really good, I think.

We’re working on finalizing the wording for our wedding announcements. We’re not doing invitations (because we don’t expect many people — friends and family alike — to have the money or time to spare for a Hawaiian wedding), but we are sending out announcements because it feels like the right thing to do. We want to get a photo taken so we can include that for people who’ve never met one of us (plus, parents LOVE that kind of stuff), but we haven’t done it yet. We registered last week at a couple of places in case people ask, but both of us felt weird about registering. “Will anyone actually want to buy us any of this stuff?” I suppose that’s probably a fairly normal thing to think/feel, but it nevertheless felt a little strange.

The announcements will give specifics, but we’re planning/thinking about having a post-wedding-trip party (quasi reception, if you want to think of it like that) after we get back. I am lobbying for a pool party and cookout so we can get some mileage out of all the work we’ve put into the pool over the winter. I am not much of a formal party person, anyway, and I think a post-wedding cookout/pool party is a fabulous idea. Don’t you?

I still haven’t had a chance to write about our honeymoon, which has (YAY!!!) been reserved, but I should get back to my midterm for now. I’ll do that sometime this week, though!

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  1. it's all very exciting stuff. congrats and let me know if you have that post-wedding pool party. I'll bring my floaties!

  2. Registering is TOTALLY wierd… I had the exact same feeling when we registered for our wedding. It was like "Man, people we've never even met in person are going to get this card from my mom or grandmother or something and buy me a present, because my mom or grandmother bought their kid a present for their wedding/baby shower/etc."

    Apparently, it's like a big parent payback network.

    Let us know where you're registering!

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