BIG news.

Tonight, Daniel and I went to look at a house just over the Plano-Allen line (in other words, actually *in* Allen) that we saw from the outside last night and *LOVED*. The interior was every bit as we’d expected — nay, *hoped* — it would be, so we adjourned from our tour to the realtor’s office and put in an offer.

Bruce, aka “realtor guy,” said that, since the owner’s leaving in the morning for a vacation to Vegas, it may take longer than normal to go through the process of offer/counteroffer/counter-counteroffer/etc., …. SO, Bruce said, we should be all wrapped up by Friday.



I’m SOOOO excited, though.

PS: For those wondering, I’m the one buying the house.

PPS: For those also wondering, YES, it’s got a pool — and the pool’s absolutely GORGEOUS. It will be perfect for pool parties, and in general, the house is ideally laid out for parties.

PPPS: For those perhaps also wondering, we proposed a closing date of Oct. 27 (a Thursday), so we’d probably move *that* weekend — at least, most of our stuff and certainly the zoo. And then wrap up the moving by having a swinging Halloween party by the pool, perhaps? 😉

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