full of Christmas cheer.

I had a FABULOUS weekend. Here’s why:

  • “Santaland Diaries” was — if this is possible — better this year than last. The Water Tower Theater revamped the set and it was just BRILLIANT, my friends. If you’re in Dallas (or someplace where you can find “Santaland”), you really should make an effort to sample this Christmas delight. (PS: You can listen to David Sedaris reading the story here.)
  • Our YAP book club meeting Saturday was one of the best ever. This month’s book was “The Five People You Meet in Heaven,” though what made this such a great month were the people who came (including three guys!!! seriously!!) and the discussion we had.
  • I did a significant portion of my annual holiday baking yesterday, including: no bake cookies, oatmeal raisin cookies, peanut butter cookies (w/chocolate chips, by request), rice crispy treats, a very weird-looking pecan pie/bar thing I’m not sure is any good (but I don’t like pecan pie, so what do I know?)… and I have ready for dipping the Ritz crackers, peanut butter bon-bons, and coconut bon-bons. I haven’t decided if I’m going to make sugar cookies, and I’d really like to do a couple batches of homemade chocolate chip cookies. Oh yes, and I decided I didn’t have enough chocolate bark for a proper batch of fudge, but I’d like to make that as well. So. Looks like I’ll be baking more this week. Yay! 🙂
  • Daniel and I got our surround-sound systems set up in the living room and bedroom late yesterday. We also got DirecTV hooked up Friday afternoon and have been enjoying the luxury of TV once again. We also got all those dang empty boxes loaded into the attic and the living room FINALLY arranged in a way we both seem to like. The house is actually starting to feel — dare I say it? — like home. 🙂
  • I found out Fred & Dalis get to stay in Hawaii for at least another year — Fred’s been assigned shore duty just down the road for their house for the next year. Yay for Fred!
  • Oh yes, and I unpacked our eleven boxes of books and set up the “wall of bookshelves” in our guest bedroom. It looks fabulous, if I do say so myself. 🙂

I’m just full of festive holiday cheer now, and hope you’re enjoying the holiday season as well!!

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