A Daniel & Liz picture

Ok, so I’ve mentioned Daniel a few times lately, and he even went comment crazy sometime last week and chipped in all sorts of thoughts about LizBlog material. What I haven’t done is explain who he is or why his name keeps popping up. I’ve had my reasons. (He does, after all, read this blog!)

I won’t break with that tradition now by providing a detail-rich post on the topic, but I will give those of you who haven’t seen a picture or heard any stories a tiny glimpse. Tiny. But a glimpse.

This picture (below) of us was taken Saturday night after kicking back one or two margaritas in Fort Worth. I seem to be cursed with the inability to look normal in pictures lately; in this one, I’m mysteriously peering off to the side of the photographer. But, this is the most recent picture I’ve got to share, so share it I will.

Daniel & Liz

It’s now been two months — and no, I’m not counting; I had to go back and look — since I met him, and the days and weeks have flown by with alarming speed in a blur of happiness and excitement. I can’t remember the last time someone inspired in me the kind of awe and warmth Daniel draws to my surface seemingly without effort. I’ve often believed/said that the best relationships are those in which you feel like the best version of yourself. I feel that way now. He brings out all that is good about me; around him, I feel I’ve become the Liz I’ve always known was hidden within somewhere. I can only hope that I manage to do the same for him.

So, that’s my story. As I said, not many details, no grand declarations or anything crazy like that … just a glimpse into this new but wonderful part of my life. {/sap}

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  1. Man if I weren't heterosexual I'd be SO ALL OVER THAT! Nice catch. hehe. Congrats and good luck with it.

  2. I whole-heartedly agree that "the best relationships are those in which you feel like the best version of yourself"…
    I truly understand your happiness and excitement and I am so glad that you've found that kind of connection. We always wish only the best for you and are honored you'd share it with us.


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