a school update

My last post was just before I flew off to Vanderbilt for a day-long visit, and since then, some interesting things have happened. First, UNC — sans official transcripts, etc. — offered me admission. What you may not know is that offers of admission to Ph.D. programs generally come with funding … so in addition to being accepted at UNC, I’ve also been offered a full scholarship plus an annual stipend of no less than $14,000 (this is roughly equivalent to what I have currently at UTD, except UTD funding is spread over 12 months, and most places only spread it out over eight or nine). I got this news while at Vanderbilt, and agreed to fly out to UNC next weekend (Feb. 29th ish) to take a peek at the school and the program.

Meanwhile, however, I had a FABULOUS visit at Vandy. I really fell in love with the campus, the city, and the people in the department (not necessarily in that order). I felt at home there, and knew I’d fit in well with the faculty and other graduate students. I was really just SO impressed.

Daniel’s further investigation into transfer opportunities at work lead him to believe that Nashville is the far better choice for him (there doesn’t really seem to be much of an office in North Carolina, if there’s one at all). So it was with much happiness that I read the news last night that Vandy is processing the paperwork to make me an official offer of admission as well. This, of course, also carries with it funding. And, the department nominated me for a couple of university-wide graduate fellowships, which will be awarded by a committee not comprised of political scientists. If I got one of those awards, it would mean a substantially improved financial package from them, over and above their already generous funding offer. Really, it just seems to be falling into place.

I am still planning to go visit UNC — if nothing else, it will be cool to meet some of the rock stars they have in their department, and they have really bent over backwards to accommodate my application given that it came in past the deadline — and am keeping an open mind about it.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I’ve got bronchitis and have been miserable the last couple of days. I’ve never had a cough like this before. Wish me a speedy recovery — apparently, a cough caused by bronchitis can last up to four weeks, and I’d really rather not be coughing all over the rock stars at UNC next week. 🙂

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1 Comment

  1. Wow – Congratulations. Sounds like some good offers and opportunities! Hate to see you leave Dallas though! 🙂

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