Another great night at the Improv

Last night, a few good friends and I went to the Improv in Addison to see Aries Spears, whose Comedy Central special my TiVo recorded for me a couple of weeks ago. Aries was freaking *hilarious*, I tell you. The opening act was this guy named Ryan Hamilton, who won Sierra Mist’s “Who is America’s next great comic?” contest. Ryan’s look (except his blond hair) and especially his voice and comedic style/timing were so close to Jerry Seinfeld that, had I been blind, I might have mistaken Ryan for Jerry. Both were fantastic, as was the “feature” act, a guy named Gerard. It’s not everyday that the Improv manages to have three comics who are genuinely funny, but this week they get my nod for having done so (though I know not everyone in our group last night agreed).

A smaller few of us met at BJ’s beforehand for dinner, which was also fantastic, especially because I got a free pizookie just for telling our waiter that my birthday is this Tuesday. He gave it to me free (that’s a $4.75 savings, yes!!) and instructed me to come back Tuesday for another. I don’t think that’s where we’re all going tomorrow night (three of us — all attached to members of the Clausen family — share the same birthday), but it was very nice of him (the server) to offer. 🙂

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