Eric the homeowner

Yup, that’s right, my good buddy Eric (von) Huber just found out today that an offer he placed on his very own house in Springdale, Ark., has been accepted. He’ll start moving in the third weekend of September. Three cheers for Eric! Congratulations!! 🙂

David’s South Park character

From my Web site, I’ve got a link to this groovy Flash chima that lets you build your own South Park character. I originally spotted it on Matt’s Web site when he posted his character. I created my own South Park gal, which frankly I’d say is not all that impressive. David, however, did a …

book … or doorstop?

After much internal wrestling (I do that a lot, you know) and a very dangerous noontime trip to Barnes & Noble, I’ve settled on Lincoln (the book, I mean) as my presidential biography of choice. It’s a hefty tome, clocking in at about 720 pages, but it just feels like the right choice. I was …

free is better than half-price

{all due credit to Pa Norell for the subject-line quote} I was just trying to find a link from Google to Gmail (if it exists, I’ve got link blindness), and while poking around the site found a link to a piece of software called Picasa. This nifty little program is so damned cool! It creates …

my class – off to a good start

Last night was my first Presidency & Public Policy class, which — in a break from tradition — is a class I’m taking at TWU face to face, not online. As it turns out, though, the professor has decided we’ll only meet F2F on alternating weeks; the rest of the time, our class discussions and …

“come to Jesus meeting” explained

I have no idea where or how I first became aware of what’s called a “come to Jesus meeting.” Nobody’s ever explained it to me, but since it entered my lexicon I have been asked to explain it many times. As I understand it, a “come to Jesus meeting” is one where everyone dispenses with …

come to jesus meeting

Some time ago, I know for a fact that I found an excellent Web site explaining what a “come to Jesus” meeting is. Now I cannot. Damned Google! While looking for a good description, though, I found this clever compendium of phrases, explaining where they come from. Is it totally trustworthy? Your opinion’s as good …

renewed enthusiasm

I think Matt’s good mood last night must have rubbed off on me. Today I’m feeling jazzed about life in general … but more importantly, I’m also feeling lots more enthusiastic about starting classes again than I have been in a year. Maybe my slacking over the summer really did serve to reenergize me for …

virtual hockey

My friend Matt called tonight in an unusually good mood. (Read about why on his site.) During the course of the conversation, he mentioned the fact that hockey seems unlikely to occur this year because of contract disagreements. If I understood the details, I’d relay them, but ultimately they’re not totally necessary here. Anyway, Matt’s …