the blog turns 100

Amazingly enough, this marks my 100th post to my blog! What started as an unambitious travelblog has morphed into something far more amusing for us all. Thanks to everyone for your continued interest and participation! So Paul, when are you gonna jump on the bandwagon? Inquiring minds want to know! 🙂

section 8

Last night, I went out to Ozona’s Bar & Grill on Greenville with Daniel and his friends to see an improv comedy troupe called Section 8 Comedy. They were fantastic! Currently, they play at Ozona’s on Tuesdays and have occasional appearances at a place in the West End. I highly recommend checking them out sometime! …

hard to believe …

It’s shocking. I, Liz Norell, the anti-morning person, got up at 6 a.m. today. {yawn} I’m supposed to be in Fort Worth at 8:00. Eeks! But hey! At least I get to spend a half-day out of the office learning cool stuff, right? In other “hard to believe” news, though it didn’t work out, my …


The concept of “firsts” became something of a running joke/topic of conversation over the weekend. At various points in my life, it has been suggested — usually in jest, though not always — that I have lived something of a sheltered existence these last 27 years or so. Perhaps so. I’ve never believed that was …

Horrors? nah

I didn’t finish “Wicked,” but we had a fantastic book club meeting in spite of it. I didn’t like the fact that the musical “Little Shop of Horrors” had such a … ummm, well, horrific (hehe) ending, but it was FANTASTIC. I know, I know, I *always* say that about musicals / comedians / movies …

A single man’s guide to phone etiquette

Something today inspired me to go hunting for a little thing Jen and I wrote as college freshman extremely frustrated with the men we talked to on the phone. (Aside: These lost Web treasures are exactly why I keep meaning to redesign/reorganize my personal Web site.) Anyway, please note this has been untouched/unedited since it …

some family pictures …

Did I ever mention how good at procrastination I am? I bring it up because I just put together a collection of pictures of my family — parents, brother, etc. On the third page, you can also see three of my favorite baby pictures!! 🙂

reading fast & furious

Tomorrow’s my (yap) book club meeting, and so I’m furiously attempting to finish the second half of this month’s book, “Wicked.” How telling is it that, after finding out I stayed home tonight and was reading, John was able to surmise the book club *must* be meeting tomorrow? lol Anyway, I just read something in …

the new xbox is … a Mac?

Yup, that’s right. Daniel shared this shocking development with me last night: Microsoft is using Mac G5 chips in their new xbox, slated for release next year. My brother particularly liked the second comment on the above-linked news page (scroll, kids). {/geek moment}


I love Fridays! (And this, despite the fact that we don’t celebrate the national weekly holiday of Casual Day in my office.) Here’s a picture of my dog. Because cooing over Rags seems like the perfect way to start a Friday.