when in doubt, argue with yourself

This morning, I was having one of those dreams that was so engrossing that I was actually pissed off my alarm was going off every six minutes and forcing me to leave the dream unfinished. Before I describe it, though, let me preface by speculating why (I suspect) this dream happened last night. One of …

I wanna go to Africa!

It all started so innocently. I saw a news story or little tidbit somewhere online talking about how the movie “About Schmidt” had profoundly impacted a group called Childreach International when it showed Warren writing to Ndugu, a child in Africa. God knows why, but I checked out the Childreach Web site, and was so …

Coach or no coach, I’m impossibly optimistic.

I can’t be sure, but a recent article in the Baxter Bulletin, my hometown newspaper, would seem to indicate there’s actually no HEAD coach for the mighty Bomber football team this fall. In a separate article, they made mention several times of only the assistant coach. Nor did a roundup of a recent school board …

I can relate …

This article on MSNBC really reasonated for me … Chelsea Carter dared to share with the world her odyssey from obesity to normality. It’s creepy how similar her attitude and story mirror my own. If you’re struggling (or are in the midst of a similar odyssey), take a peek!

“Uptown Girls”

So, in keeping with my relax-and-bond-with-the-hound theme for the week, I sat down with dinner, Rags, and the movie “Uptown Girls” tonight. To my great surprise, I *really* loved that movie! I like Brittany Murphy anyway, and think Dakota Fanning is one of the most talented child actors I’ve ever seen (and generally just an …

here’s a serious post for you.

I’ve tried to keep things here relatively light and fun, but I watched an episode of “Oprah” tonight that has got me all serious in the head, and now you get to hear (well, *read*) all about it. Here’s the thing. I’ve really *not* been an emotional person given to crying for most of my …

I’m amazed.

By any measure, my participation in and enthusiasm for the two classes I took this summer was lackluster. Approaching nonexistant. I got less-than-stellar participation scores (a 70% in one of the classes), but I would self-assess by saying even those marks were generous. And yet, my friends, I got A’s in both of my classes. …

Julie’s to Gallup.

Julie had a very nice post last night about her moving week. And about her fish. Speaking of fish, if you haven’t heard it, ask Paul to tell you his fish joke. If you don’t get it or don’t at least giggle and/or groan, you’re probably not “Liz people.” 😉 (I wouldn’t normally attach such …

ground rules

I’ve been at this whole blog thing for about a month now, and the response has been outstanding. Compliments filtering in and stats on my repeat traffic suggest I’ve managed to assemble random thoughts that y’all find amusing, interesting, or otherwise worth your time to watch. In the last few days, though, several people have …

farewell to Julie

Well, sadly, the day finally came to say farewell to Julie. By the time the final goodbyes were said, many tears had been shed by both her and me. I won’t wax sappy just yet, but here’s a picture of the group of us at dinner tonight (we went to Maggiano’s): And, here’s another obligatory …