book … or doorstop?

After much internal wrestling (I do that a lot, you know) and a very dangerous noontime trip to Barnes & Noble, I’ve settled on Lincoln (the book, I mean) as my presidential biography of choice. It’s a hefty tome, clocking in at about 720 pages, but it just feels like the right choice.

I was tempted to pick The First American: The Life & Times of Benjamin Franklin as the winner … until I realized — DUH, LIZ — that Franklin wasn’t a president. Right. Someone (me) needs to go back to elementary American history. {blush}

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  1. Wrestling internally doesn't hurt, but it does create situations where my reactions are delayed. If only decisions came easily to me!

  2. Anonymous says:

    I have actually read that book about Ben Franklin, even though it was written by an aggie, it was very good and really opens your eyes to what a brilliant man he was. I highly recommend it.


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