Challenging powder puffs

This morning on my way to work, I heard a story on NPR that I thought merited sharing. (WARNING: Now that I’m commuting again, I suspect many future blog entries will start this way!) Essentially, there’s a school somewhere in Texas that has banned what they called a “cross-dressing day” because some local conservatives and parents felt that encouraged homosexuality. Instead, the day was replaced with “camo day,” where students dress in military garb.

By this logic, powder puff games encourage kids to switch teams in more ways than we realized … and the best way to keep your kids heterosexual is to dress them in fatigues and tell them to act like warriors.

{sigh} Sad, isn’t it? Personally, I’ll never forget the yearbook pictures of some of my (male) classmates dressed in skimpy dresses, makeup and pantyhose.

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  1. I'm sorry, Julie, but yes, dressing for Halloween has been banned in many schools, as have other holiday parties/celebrations such as Valentine's. Even elementary schools are now moving to only having celebrations of "seasons" and are not allowing the serving of sweet snacks during those celebrations. It seems High school powder puff may be all the fun we have left and that may not last long…
    Life has become far too politically correct.

  2. I agree. The military already has it's own opinions and scare tactics for "combating" homosexuality. Really, we don't need to start the scaring and predudice forming early on in the lives of our children. Cross dressing is no more horrible then halloween in schools. And we don't ban that. or is that next?

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