eat all you can and benefit the homeless

Daniel pointed out — I hadn’t realized it myself — the irony inherent in having a fundraiser for the homeless at an all-you-can-eat joint. Nevertheless, that’s what the Habitat for Humanity kids at TWU are doing next Tuesday.

If you’re among the vaunted Liz Circle (and live in Dallas, of course), you’ve probably received an e-mail already imploring you to come to BD’s Mongolian BBQ next Tuesday, April 12, to fork over some money (in exchange for several forkfuls of food) to support the Habitat kids. If you’re just a random Internet person and promise not to get all crazy on me, you can come, too. But only because it’s for a good cause. 😉

We’ll be in Plano at Park & the Tollway (BD’s is in the Target parking lot) from 6-8 p.m. Tuesday. Their food is awesome and you will be endlessly (I promise) entertained by the Habitat girls who will be there. They are a fun bunch and the two hours will be filled with laughter and fun, in addition to some (I hope) hefty fundraising for the organization.

BD’s doesn’t actually give us any money, by the way; we’re working for tips at the grill, with spears in our hands. I suggest $5 a person for a tip … but that’s just me.

Visit the BD’s Web site to check out their style and, if you like, play their groovy word search puzzle. I know I wasted WAY too much time on it a few weeks ago, but then, I love those dang things!

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