Eric’s twitterpated.

I had forgotten the word “twitterpated.” You know how you have certain expressions and words you use with your close friends, and when you don’t see them so much anymore, you forget those expressions and words? Well, that happened to me. I said, “Eric, you’re smitten!” But his synopsis was, “I’m so twitterpated!”

Yes, my friends, Eric’s found himself a girlfriend. I’ve never heard him gush so much about how sweet and attractive and generally awesome a woman is. When I see (or, in this case, hear) that kind of passion inspired by finding someone special, it gives my heart great hope and makes me feel so happy (by proxy)!!

Congrats, Eric!! 🙂 (see his picture here (scroll down))

PS – Another expression I was recently reminded of having forgot is one of my favorites from my days with Jen. It was my brother who jogged my memory, by saying, “Don’t snarf!” as I was laughing while drinking a Diet Pepsi at BJ’s.

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