five words or less

Apparently, Al Gore was given an award at the annual geekfest Webby Awards June 6. Says Yahoo news: “Gore, who was pilloried during the 2000 presidential campaign for appearing to imply that he had created the Internet, won a lifetime achievement award for providing crucial political support to the technical development of the World Wide Web.”

Honorees were limited to five-word acceptance speeches — a brilliant idea, if you ask me.

So Gore said: “Please don’t recount this vote.”

Ahhhhh, Al. You are *so* good when you’re just having fun.

Other notable acceptance spee… er, statements:

  • Politics good. Sex better … much.
  • Look at my hair man
  • Eat your heart out Orbitz (, winner in the travel category)
  • Live the American dream. Rent. (
  • Emerald nuts … give me diarrhoea (SoBe)
  • New Zealand: More than Hobbits (

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