Found time!

I had a tutoring appointment this morning, but she overslept and didn’t show, so I find myself now with a bit of found time and thought I’d use a teeny bit of it engaging in some blogging.

A few highlights from Project Liz:

  • A couple of days ago, I bought my first-ever pedometer, and yesterday I wore it all day. I have been trying to do *some* sort of kinetic activity most days, and last night after work I went over to Centennial for a couple of miles around the park. I really figured, between that and my walking around MTSU, that I’d easily — easily! — hit the recommended goal of 10,000 steps for the day. In reality, my number was around 5,700. ACK! So today, I’m going to work a little bit harder at that, maybe do three laps around the park, or better yet go to Radnor (if I can squeeze in an hour to circle the lake).  Editor’s note: This pedometer is clearly not working correctly. The next day’s count was unbelievably high. I don’t trust the 5,700 anymore!!
  • Yesterday was my first day intentionally, fully without soda in weeks. Maybe months. Possibly years. It felt a bit weird, I won’t lie, but because I’ve been weaning myself back for a while now, it went pretty well. No massive headaches at the end of the day or anything. Yay!  I can’t fully give up the  Diet Coke, as I just like it too much (particularly with pizza). But I want to drink less soda/caffeine, and that seems to be going well.
  • There’s no question that external affirmation gives me (like most people) a nice little psychic bump. Having a force within my orbit that seems quite disposed to dishing out that external affirmation has been lovely. I’d even go so far as to say delightful. The internal positive feedback is going well, too, but the external positive feedback doesn’t suck.
  • I’ve blocked off the entirety of Friday for some much-needed attention to the abode. The office upstairs once again needs some TLC. And, in general, the upstairs just needs a thorough cleaning. I’m sooo (!) looking forward to the psychic benefits that will accrue from a day of cleaning.
Well, that’s a nice glimmer into the many dimensions of Project Liz, whose overarching goal is inner peace and self satisfaction, on all levels: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual. It’s going well. 

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