here’s the thing

I’m behind.

WAY behind.

I’m behind on:
* Packing — didn’t do anything last night {yawn} … too tired.
* Reading/homework — about a week’s worth, now.
* Work — my inbox at work is now up to a startling 140 items, some of which I’ve been unable to attend to for nearly a month, now.

Panic is starting to set in. The moving part is fine — exciting, even. It’s everything else that I’m not doing that’s starting to freak me out. OK, beyond “starting.” Just plain freaking me out.

I’ve been the absolute worst Habitat for Humanity advisor this fall. Last year my ability to commit time to my advisorly duties waxed and waned, but I nevertheless did what I needed to do for the organization when they needed me to do it. FAR less so this fall. The Habitat students have been wanting to have a fundraiser at BD’s for two months now, and the singular holdup has been that I haven’t remembered to call to schedule it. How lame is that?!?!

I feel guilty for not being at work more or working harder, and I feel guilty for not being at school more or doing more of the extracurricular stuff UTD thoughtfully arranges so I can have a more full experience. Clearly, I cannot be a stellar employee and a star student at the same time. Unfortunately, right now, I’m being neither. And I HATE that.

Yes, kids, the word of the day? GUILT.

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1 Comment

  1. ooohhhh… you make me just want to help you. Got some homework I could do for ya? LOL…

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