I really hate MySpace

I got roped into the chaotic vortex of MySpace quite some time ago by high school friends (and a cousin) who love it… but from day one, I have hated it. I hate the backgrounds that make the text impossible to read. I hate the music that people put on their profiles — even if it’s music I like, I didn’t go to a Web site to listen to music, thank you very much. I hate how cluttered the page layouts are. In a word, I just hate MySpace. Ugh.

Other friends (these from college) roped me into the far more restrainted world of Facebook more recently. And while I was at first skeptical of Facebook — to me, it just seemed like another incarnation of MySpace — my feelings about Facebook have evolved to be far more positive. There aren’t the annoying backgrounds or unsolicited music when I go to someone’s Facebook page. What’s more, even though the new Facebook is more cumbersome to use than was the previous version, it’s just *SO* clean.

I keep my distance from the Web geekette world I formerly inhabited, but the inner Jakob Nielsen enthusiast in me just wants to cry out: “MySpace sucks!” (Sorry, Tracy and Nicole.)

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