I’ve been struggling with how to word this for a week now. I wanted a chance to tell a few family members and have some time, honestly, for everything to sink in. Given that a blog is such an inherently informal medium, though, and this news feels way more important than anything I’ve ever blogged about before, I haven’t been totally sure it’s appropriate to “announce” it here.
Also, I haven’t wanted to insult anyone by not telling them personally. So if you feel insulted that I didn’t tell you this personally, please don’t tell me about it, okay?
So here’s the big news, friends:
Last week, Daniel proposed.
(See headline if you have doubts or questions.)
He even had a ring! He bought it at Jared over a week before he gave it to me, but in the swirl of trying to get the house ready for Thanksgiving he had a somewhat challenging time finding a good moment to pop the question.
From Jared’s Web site, a photo of the ring (it’s the one on the right/bottom):

Seeing as how I’m so irritatingly picky about jewelry, the fact that Daniel managed to pick out a ring I adore without asking me to go look with him is really a testament to how far we’ve come as a couple, I think.
We’re planning on a wedding in Hawaii in early May.
Yay us! 🙂
Awesome!!!! Now I guess we both can tell grandma that we aren't living in "SIN" anymore. Finally we are both going to be hitched. Take care my "twin" cousin.
WOW!!!!!! Wedding in Hawaii? Sounds lovely.
Tous mes voeux de bonheur !
WOW! That's great!
oh and i meant "comforts" not "ocmforts" ..but i'm sure you figured that out…having a fiancee now and all…