I’m in love …

… with “The Family Guy.”

Ha! 😉

I watched a few more episodes of this simply *brilliant* animated series tonight with Gary, after an equally *brilliant* dinner at Pei Wei in Allen. It was a fantastic, relaxing, low-key night of hanging out and catching up.

I simply must purchase the seasons of The Family Guy available on DVD. In fact, I may put that on my list of things to do tomorrow. It’s really just *that* good. 🙂

And speaking of love …

I’m equally in love with a new CD I downloaded off iTunes last week, Matt Nathanson’s “There’s a World Beneath These Fireworks.”

I recognize lots of you won’t find the music appealing, but I for one haven’t been listening to much else this week. Well, except today I threw into my car stereo a sampler CD I made for a Spankers virgin I know, to be given away at the first possible opportunity.

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  1. ug. men.

    Do you know if the Pussy Cat song has come out yet? I saw they were preforming in Madison this past Friday and told my girlfriend she needed to go see them. Can we request them to come to our town?

  2. This is my favorite; mainly for the fact they they even thought to say this on the show:
    Peter Griffin : Now, I know you're a feminist, and I think that's adorable, but this is grown-up time and I'm the man.

  3. I agree, that show is one of the best comedy I have seen on TV. And if you have not heard FOX is bringing back Family Guy in 2005. This marks the first TV show brought back to the air based on DVD sales and ratings in syndication.

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