life is about to get SO much better…

It’s now official… Daniel and I have made a huge decision together that will forever change our life together.

(No, mom, I’m not pregnant.)

Today, we bought a king-sized mattress set.

Now, I adore my boyfriend, I really do, and I have spent the last thirteen months of my life sleeping with him in a queen-sized bed, without too many battle scars.

Still, neither of us is exactly a small person, and we both like to sleep on our backs, creating elbow touchage that he generally finds unendurable. (Don’t even ask what happens the few times we’ve tried to sleep on a full-sized bed. YIKES!)

It’s not so much that this arrangement is bad … only that we’ve both known for some time that it could be SO MUCH BETTER.

Last weekend when we went to Eureka Springs, I think I made up my mind to go ahead and buy a bigger mattress. The hotel we stayed at was only okay, but it did have a king-sized bed (of course, the bed basically took up 90% of the room’s square footage), and it wasn’t one of those deceptively enormous hotel kings either; just your basic king-sized bed. It was *fantastic*.

Since we’re moving into the new house in less than three weeks, I guess we just decided it was time. (I know *I* did, anyway.) We went to the State Fair yesterday afternoon with his parents and tested out a couple of beds at the Sleep Experts booth in one of the exhibition halls there, and went to our neighborhood Sleep Experts this afternoon to test out more. In the end, we got the same one we liked best at the fair last night … and I think we’re both really happy with the purchase.

They (helpfully!) gave us two 20% off Bed, Bath & Beyond coupons with our purchase, so we hastened to BB&B and bought some sheets as well.

It’s due to come the same day we’re moving (they’re delivering it to the new house that day the movers also come), so we’ll be able to spend our first night at the new house in king-sized comfort. Above most others, it will definitely be a day where the extra space will be appreciated.

I don’t really have words (beyond the 150 or so I just wrote, of course), to explain how happy I am about this. Seriously. It’s SO great.

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