ma cervelle est en compote (again)

For you non-francophiles out there, the title translates to “my brain feels like applesauce,” and at this moment, the analogy is quite apt. I have been sitting in my beloved big green chair reading for the better part of the last 2.5 hours, and have made substantial progress on my to-do list for the day, but I am still staring down the barrel of hundreds of pages of reading still left to do, not to mention a not-insignificant homework assignment to complete. For tomorrow. Tomorrow morning. Erg.

Not that I’m complaining, mind you. Even though it’s a lot of work, I’m reading great stuff — who could feel anything but love for Shanto Iyengar or Stephen Ansolabehere, really? I defy you to try! — and finding it all rather interesting.

I just need a little break. So here’s a cartoon.

XKCD cartoon about commitment issues
As before, this is reduced to fit in this space. Click for the original, more readable version at

(Incidentally, it has been years now, but I once before posted a blog entry with the same title, and you can read it here.)

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