Maybe I *am* an FOB?

I went home at lunch today to do some yard sale prep and otherwise enjoy the comforts of my apartment for a short while. I noticed I had a voicemail waiting for me, so I cued up the speakerphone and started punching numbers. Lo and behold, who should have called — and I missed it!! D’oh!! — but Bill Clinton, who was urging me to vote in Arkansas to support the Democrats.

I’m wondering how on Earth Bill got my number in Denton as one of an Arkansas voter, since I’ve had it only for a year and have been registered to vote in Texas for 2+ years now. Had I known, though, I most certainly would have cast my ballot in Mountain Home instead (absentee, of course), so I could vote for Ma Norell’s (uncontested) bid for reelection to the Mountain Home City Council. Damn!

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  1. Thankfully, Mark, it was only a recording and not a personalized message. I say "thankfully" because I couldn't possibly cope with more questionable innuendo on my hands right now. Besides, I've *NEVER* understood what about Bill women find sexy. Yeeccchhhhhh.

    Still, it was cool that Bill's people (namely, the Dems) deigned to call. Especially since I've never given them money or registered as a Democrat.

  2. wow it wasn't a recording of him? it was actually bill? did he leave a pesonalized message. "Hey Liz baby, thanks for the other night. Now on to business…vote for Kerry ok? Talk to you later. -Bill"

  3. wow it wasn't a recording of him? it was actually bill? did he leave a pesonalized message. "Hey Liz baby, thanks for the other night. Now on to business…vote for Kerry ok? Talk to you later. -Bill"

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