Merry Christmas ’08

Well, kids, as I suspected, Santa did not bring me a fully-weighted 88-key keyboard for Christmas. This was no surprise and was not at all a disappointment. I knew it was highly unlikely. 🙂

Instead, I *did* get a snazzy new microwave and completely perfect toaster that promises “carefree” toasting. Until I saw that on the box, I hadn’t realized that toasting was anything *but* carefree. But, my father — such a wise man, really — pointed out that perhaps the toaster comes with a mouse that gobbles up the crumbs that accumulate in the bottom? If so, I think I’d rather have the stressful version of the otherwise perfect toaster.

I also got the Brita water pitcher I asked for, as well as another Eiffel Tower to add to my collection, that from Bobby & Joyce (the highly creative disguise/wrapping job Joyce concocted will be shared with you all forthwith in pictures). There were a few other random things, but that was the bulk of the big stuff. A very practical Christmas, this was.

I took lots of pictures (and then added some taken by Pa Norell). Here’s a taste, my favorite picture of the bunch. Click for more.

From Christmas in Arkansas 2008

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