Monday morning trivia!

Begun last week, Monday morning trivia offers you an opportunity to test your ability to intuit and/or guess the answers to random trivia bits.

Here’s today’s question, inspired by two days of sporadic French music:

When my first French exchange student, Thierry, came to America my junior year of high school, he was extremely amused by a sign hanging in my bedroom.

What did the sign say?

A) “La voiture parfaite” (a note stuck on a poster of a red 1992 Ford Mustang convertible)
B) “Oรน est le bล“uf?”
C) “Est-ce que je peux aller aux toilettes?”
D) “Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir?”

Bonus points if you can translate. Especially if you can translate without finding an Internet site or utility to do it for you! ๐Ÿ™‚

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Part 2…since I really didn't guess in my first post. I really don't remember that sign in your room. I want to say A, but then I want to say B, but then again, C would sound right b/c of Mde. Stevens! Final Answer—B

  2. Nicole says:

    Liz…got some flash backs from HS. and Thierry!

  3. Robby — the answer to that question is not nearly as secret. At the time he saw the sign for the first time, we were awkwardly trying to figure out whether either of us knew the other's language well enough to communicate a complete thought (the answer? only barely). By the time he went back to France, though, we were, ahem, "communicating" in a language that needed no words… ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. I say B!

  5. LOL

    The comments on this particular question are so funny!

    I'm not sure if I should be flattered or hurt that two people have immediately dismissed the notion that I'd have had a sign in my high school bedroom that was basically a proposition (or, for some, a really silly lyric from a really cheesy song)…

    and, while option D might seem the most unlikely of the bunch to you, it might help to know that it certainly has the potential to be the funniest when you know that, when I went to France, that very subject inspired one of my most embarassing moments ever. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. well I beleive I can rule out D for sure and the others don't sound like you so A.

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