One paper, one training, and packing.

I’m dangerously close to being done with another (my third) semester at UTD… just one more (big) paper to write, due by Friday sometime, and then I’m free to take my (I think) much-deserved summer vacation. Until Monday of this week, I didn’t even have an idea for a topic for this paper, but I’m happy to say I’ve now got a two-page outline and 15ish sources, so I have every confidence I’ll get a decent paper done well in time.

I’ve been to several meetings now of SAT tutor training, and I have to say, it’s soooo not what I expected. It’s been a LOT of work — mind-bending work at that — but I’m glad I’m doing it. The first practice tutor session was incredibly nervewracking, and I didn’t do very well at all; my second practice tutor session went much better, and I’m hoping my third session tomorrow night finally gets me to acceptable levels of performance.

Last weekend, in preparation for our trip, Daniel and I cleaned our garage. Completely. That may not sound like a logical pre-vacation task, but we both really wanted to pull at least one, if not both, cars into the garage for safekeeping while we’re gone, and Sunday was such a welcomed relief from the oppressive heat of last week that it was almost, dare I say it?, NICE to be outside a little. It was a lot of grueling work, but we both felt overcome with feelings of extreme satisfaction for getting that done.

Late last week, I got out our suitcases for the trip and laid them out on the bed in the guest bedroom. Slowly, I’ve been tossing stuff into the bags (and in general onto the bed) that we want to take. Part of the “getting ready for vacation” has been finding appropriate attire, and Daniel found a super-snazzy suit yesterday at this weird store called Syms (I say weird, because I swear, if you didn’t know it was a clothing store, you’d never think to go there) for the bargain-basement price of $100. I bought one dress over a month ago, but on a whim today made an impromptu run to the mall and, to my great surprise, found a dress I absolutely *adore* for the equally bargain price of < $50. I was so thrilled, I actually came out of the dressing room so the sales people could coo. And they did. 😉 So we’re getting close to ready… no frenzied packing just yet, but we’ve got Friday night and Saturday morning for that. We’re so excited!!!

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