praise Allah.

Yesterday at work, we had a lovely fight over the thermostat — my coworker Kathy and I were sweltering (the temperature was 83.5 degrees at one point), so I kept turning on the AC, and someone else in the office, apparently feeling somewhat chilly, kept coming behind us to turn the heater back on AND UP. I nearly had a meltdown — literally and figuratively.

So I went into today’s staff meeting prepared to engage in the “WE MUST FIX THIS PROBLEM” conversation that so far has only ended with maintenance staff telling us it’s either impossible or prohibitively expensive to fix our ventilation issues.

Before I could pipe up, though, my boss suggested I move into an empty office towards the back of the building recently vacated by a coworker who moved up to the front of the building. It took me maybe three minutes after our staff meeting adjourned to begin moving stuff. I’m now writing from my computer in that office, and while I still have a couple of big things to move, most of my office junk is relocated. I’ll update the current temperature in here this afternoon, which is when it usually rises (and stays) above 80 degrees in my old location.

Poor Kathy has to stay in the sweatshop in the middle of the building, but she’s going to spend her afternoon relocating out of the cube and into the actual office (with a door — that’s very important) so she can have a bit more privacy than the cube really affords.

And my student assistant (bless the unchosen-as-of-yet girl’s heart) will get to sit in the cube.

Which, for me, were I working only 10-15 hours per week, just might be an excellent reason to learn to love working in the morning. (It’s cooler.)

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