Presidential debating.

Did you see last night’s presidential debate? If not (or even if you did), here’s a link to the full transcript, courtesy of the Washington Post. I caught parts of it, but will watch it in full this weekend. It’s called “homework.” 🙂

In the few pieces I caught, though, I will render this assessment: Bush was in this debate what Gore was in the 2000 debates. I remember getting so frustrated with Gore because he behaved like such a child, with his incessant sighing and eye-rolling. Just watching for less than 20 minutes last night, I saw Kerry behaving like a model diplomat and executive, while Bush visibly festered, furrowed his brow, struggled to contain his temper, etc. Kerry had the better stage presence — not that anyone expected differently. Just a thought.

More after I watch the whole thing. Did anyone listen to it on the radio, though? I’d love to know how it sounded sans the video.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Bush has just proved how bright he is without a teleprompter. Too bad he didn't have Karl Rove or Karen Hughes in his ear to tell him what to say. What a puppet he is!


    P.S.- The Hawaii pictures are awesome! Go BOMBERS!!!

  2. I thought that the debate was pretty good overall. Bush didn't pull off what people thought he could pull. He just looked mean and pissed off.

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