section 8

Last night, I went out to Ozona’s Bar & Grill on Greenville with Daniel and his friends to see an improv comedy troupe called Section 8 Comedy. They were fantastic! Currently, they play at Ozona’s on Tuesdays and have occasional appearances at a place in the West End. I highly recommend checking them out sometime!

Daniel was quite proud he persuaded nine people to come out on short notice, and it was a nice experience for me to enjoy the company of others without feeling like the hostess (making sure everyone’s having fun, etc.).

The only downside was that yesterday I woke up with a horrificly sore throat. I actually changed plans midday and went to see the doctor, who said I don’t have strep, just an unnameable “viral infection.” MAJOR bummer. I’m still trying to find the drugs that will make swallowing without wincing again a possibility. Funny how you always take those sorts of things for granted until they’re no longer around, huh?

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  1. hope your feeling better. hot tea and lemon are always the best. Lots of rest. Take care of yourself, I'll try and give you a buzz later to check up.

  2. It was a great show and it was nice to see that 4 of the 6 people in the show were from the original group that I had seen before. The nice thing about the show is they take audience suggestions for the topics of the skits so it can be very different each time.

    I was quite amazed that I was able to get 9 people together at the same show. I really didn’t know that I knew 9 people. One of my friends that showed up just flew in from MI and proposed to his girlfriend, who I've known longer than him, right be they got to the show.

    Liz, I hope you feel better soon. But if you have to be sick at least enjoy the drugs!

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