sharing birthdays.

So, today I turn 28 years old. Wheee!

I know this may get confusing, but bear with me — it’s also the birthday of Daniel’s stepmom, Tammy (who was born the same year, 1958, as *my* mom), AND of Daniel’s sister’s boyfriend, Mike. In other words, if you take the Clausens and look at the three people they’re attached to romantically, all three of us “chosen ones” share the same birthday.

At times, I think that’s cool… at others, just exceedingly spooky and weird.

Tonight, appropriately, the six of us are planning to go to dinner. I heard last night that the current suggestion for dinner was Posado’s. Faithful LizBlog groupies will remember that’s the very same place that totally pissed me off in February. I have been back, but I still don’t exactly feel warm & fuzzy when I hear the name “Posado’s.” So, I counter-suggested Maggiano’s or Buca di Beppo, places where I have far fonder memories (such as this, or this).

What hadn’t really occurred to me until last night when I heard the top choice was Posado’s is that, while it’s kinda nifty that the three of us share a birthday, it really sucks in terms of getting to feel special on a day when it’s supposed to be all about you. Now, I’m not a person who enjoys being singled out or having loads of attention paid to me and me alone … but, well, if it’s a birthday dinner for me and I get taken someplace I’m not thrilled about, how am I supposed to feel about that? And given our respective tastes in food, what are the chances any place we pick will be one that Tammy, Mike and I all find thrilling?

It also means my boyfriend isn’t bogged down with the pressure of making my night awesome… ’cause we’re sharing it with *his* family. {sigh} I’m not complaining, really I’m not. But if I were, I’d say something like: A “Happy Birthday, Liz!” this morning before I left would have been nice.

Since some time ago we discontinued the practice of buying birthday cakes at work, on my way in to work this morning I called our favorite Denton bakery and ordered MYSELF a birthday cake. I got one of my favorite kinds (German Chocolate), and if anyone asked to share it today doesn’t like that kind, well… screw them. Sometimes, a girl has to take matters into her own hands, and on my birthday, I will have my cake AND eat it. Hmpf.

But just so you all know, while I am extremely grateful for those who have taken the time to wish me a happy birthday, I don’t expect most people to remember these things (especially since I’m terrible at remembering). So you’re off the hook. 🙂

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  1. Happy belated birthday!

  2. I just have to say I sent you your birthday e-card before I saw this. 🙂

  3. Happy Birthday LIZ! There's another person I know with this birthday, my younger son is a year old today.

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