Shivering in Arkansas

Daniel and I got up reasonably early Wednesday and, after some frenzied packing (me) and working on our DSL/network (him), headed north to Arkansas to visit my family for Thanksgiving. When we left the new house in Plano (and YES, there are pictures forthcoming!!), it was very windy and a colder-than-it-has-been 55ish degrees. A stop in Fayetteville at Backyard Burgers (one of the gems of Fayetteville, I might add) gave us a chance to watch the news, which indicated lots of snow had fallen on my dear brother in Kansas City that morning (rendering George’s planned trip home that night essentially impossible). Daniel’s car indicated “icy” conditions in the spitting rain between Fayetteville and Mountain Home — though, I should note, it never fell below 37 degrees. And, in short, since we’ve been here, it’s just been COLD, people. We walked to my favorite childhood park last night after spending most of Thanksgiving day sitting on the couch watching the TBS marathon of “Everyone Loves Raymond,” and we were both freezing by the time we got back 20 minutes later.

Apart from what I’m sure is a riveting detailing of the weather, though, let me provide something more interesting from northern Arkansas. This has been one of the best Thanksgivings I can remember, and were my brother here right now, I could feel confident in deeming it the best ever. It took my parents less than five minutes after we arrived Wednesday night to pull out their “this old house” renovation photo album to show Daniel, and since we arrived he’s fit in like an old member of the family. The first-ever fried turkey was SPECTACULAR, thanks to the joint efforts of my father and my boyfriend. 🙂

Today, my mom, Daniel and I are going to her office here in town to do some computer OS upgrades (from Win 98 SE to XP, whee!) and then to the 178 Club for dinner tonight when George shows up. I’m also taking Daniel to Andy’s for breakfast and my mom’s taking us to the Back Forty for barnbuster burgers at lunchtime. Tomorrow we’ll hit Cashew Kitty and Couch’s and call this trip a success.

One other bit o’ news — I heard from Julie yesterday that she’s bought her ticket to visit for a week at the end of the year (Wed., Dec. 29 through the following Wednesday). I’m so excited to see her!!!

Hope y’all had a fantastic Thanksgiving!

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