the fab five + UNT frat boys = eeks!

That’s right, I read in the Dallas Morning News today that the “fab five” from Queer Eye are coming to the metroplex to tape three shows to air in January sometime.


The show received 2,500 applications from area hopefuls, exceeding anything producers had seen in New York. They chose to make over a fraternity rush chairman (and the frat’s common room), a Plano cowboy who owns horses and a recently married Fort Worth nursing home worker.


They’re supposed to start taping the UNT show tomorrow! How cool is that?

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Hey … guess what I figured out. If I post anonymously, then everyone assumes it's from Paul. Let me rub my hands together menacingly as I figure out how to exploit this new-found power.

  2. Gee, Paul. Are you sure you didn't fill out an application for yourself too?

    PS… Where can I get an extra application? I know this guy near Frisco that didn't even have a hot mitt and could use a wee bit of help. 😉

  3. Whew! Thank goodness! I was worried Beth would have to fill out that application all on her own. But sounds like you're pretty sure you helped. 🙂 You're such a good pal like that.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I was recruited a few weeks ago to fill out an application by Danny's fiance for them to help him. It's too bad he didn't get chosen, he needs it more than anyone I know:o)

  5. And speaking of Queer Eye, they've now started a UK edition, which premiers this week. Will it be as good?

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