this is (one reason) why I didn’t go to the inauguration today

DC is the city where I really feel I became the Liz you know today, the city where cherry blossoms at springtime always made the world seem rosy, the city where I stood in the freezing cold for hours just to hear oral arguments before the Supreme Court, the city that continually renews itself in interesting and sometimes surprising ways. I *LOVE* DC… particularly when I’m not there. And even when I am there, I *LOVE* DC at all times that don’t involve me trying to find a parking space. If we could figure out teleportation, I never would have left.

So when I was watching the CNN cameras sweep over the vista of several hundred thousand people jam-packed into 1.5 miles of the National Mall today, and saw some of my favorite landmarks, places that are imbued with such fond memories of happy times in my life, well? How could I not feel pangs of nostalgia for the city where I still argue the sidewalks emanate an energy that is palpable?

How, you ask? Easy. This is why I am so glad I wasn’t there today.

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