Yay school!

No, this isn’t another Bomber football entry … rather, my likely-to-be biweekly check-in after attending one of our face-to-face class meetings up on campus. I know I’ve already gushed to you all about my excitement for this class, but let’s have some more, shall we? Tonight was our first real opportunity for discussion, and it was awesome.

Some of you might not know I’ve long fought a battle against shyness … no, seriously. As a college sophomore, I actually got a C+ in Honors English, mostly because I never said anything in class and my professor severely penalized me for it (directly and indirectly). Whenever I enter a new class that’s heavy on discussion, I get a bit queasy wondering if I’m going to have the wherewithall to speak up or not. In the case of this semester’s presidency course, my hesitation was only that everyone else in the class appeared to be, at first glance, very talkative and, at times, more than willing to interrupt others or talk loudly to get their voice heard.

Tonight, though, things couldn’t have gone better; we were all respectful and courteous, and I found myself in the unexpected role of “voice of reason” for my fellow classmates. Several times, I’d toss in a comment only to have the room quiet for a moment before erupting in nods and murmurs of agreement and appreciation. It was SO FREAKING COOL!!!! 🙂

Our topic was evaluating presidents — what makes a president good, in other words? Many — well, most — of the others in the class have studied this for some time and have historical information and perspectives I don’t have the privilege of. Still, our discussions were well-argued, grounded, lively, and enjoyable. The 2 1/2 hours simply *flew* by. It was, as I said, awesome.

Many questioned my sanity in signing up for this unrelated course in a semester when so much is going on, but I’m already thrilled beyond words that I elected insanity. Yay school!

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